3.4 XK120 | Cream | ||||
Fixed Head Coupe | Red | ||||
Left Hand Drive | |||||
Charles Hornburg, Los Angles | |||||
26 January 1953 | |||||
W7131-8 | |||||
J2600 | |||||
JL14980 | |||||
6 January 1953 | |||||
1953 | Green | ||||
2024 | Pigskin | ||||
Rest: Nice | |||||
Other Jaguar | Tulalip | ||||
F2342-8S |
| ||||
5 Speed |
| ||||
487SLM | D20168 |
16 more photos below ↓
Record Creation: Entered on 25 October 2005.
Record Changes
Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).
2008-06-07 20:18:53 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
2014-03-23 02:21:11 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
2024-02-15 19:04:45 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
Photos of 680594
Click slide for larger image. This car has 17 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)
Exterior Photos (10)
Uploaded February 2024:
Uploaded June 2008:
Uploaded October 2005:
Interior Photos (4)
Uploaded November 2005:
Details Photos: Exterior (1)
Uploaded November 2005:
Detail Photos: Engine (2)
Uploaded February 2024:
Uploaded November 2005:
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2005-10-24 23:55:08 | S. Walls writes:
I'm the current owner
2005-11-22 00:30:13 | Steven D. writes:
Gorgeous looking car! Thanks for uploading the photos.
site co-admin, volunteer
2008-06-07 18:59:50 | Steve Walls writes:
New location for the car, back home after 5 years for restoration work.
2024-02-14 19:57:03 | pauls writes:
Very nice Steve! And the photo with Norman is priceless!
2024-02-15 00:24:48 | Steve Walls writes:
Added pictures from 2024, car is still going strong 20 years after restoring it! I also added a picture of the car with Norman Dewis when he visited a number of years ago.